
B1 course

The A2 course, which started in the summer term, is continuing as a B1 course by skipping the exchange rate. 

Presentation 1: Sustainable environment

A presentation and information about sustainable environment made by Mediterranean University on October 14 at our school. 

2nd presentation: Sustainable environment

A presentation and information about sustainable environment made by ASSİM Abdullah Sevimçok Civil Society and Innovation Center on October 15 at our school.


Within the framework of #Erasmusdays events, on Thursday, October 14, 2021, Akdeniz University Science Department lecturer Associate Professor İsmail Gökhan Deniz will give a lecture on the importance of erasmus projects in addition to sustainable environment at our school.

2020-2021 Antalya Anatolian High School
Erasmus+ Project With Escola Profissional High School (Portugal) | All rights reserved.
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